Discussing Criminal Attorney Services

Discussing Criminal Attorney Services

Three Situations In Which Your Expungement Petition May Be Granted

Joshua Alexander

Honest people do not enjoy being accused of heinous things. Yet, there are a lot of honest people that are charged with and must endure hearings on, things they supposedly did or did not do. If such a record exists for you, and you truly wish it had never happened, you may be able to petition the courts to get it expunged. An expungement petition seals and/or removes this unpleasantness from your personal records so that you do not have to suffer further from it or because of it. There are only three known situations where your petition may actually be granted.

You Do Not Want Your Children to Have Access to It

Sometimes divorced parents accuse the other parent of really horrible things. An innocent parent is forced to go through a ton of humiliation during the course of a social services investigation into the allegations of the other parent. Meanwhile, these records become part of a file to which others have access, including your children. If you do not want this ugly bit of history between you and your ex to be accessible to your adult children, and if you were found innocent, you can request (and probably receive!) an expungement.

You Cannot Get a Job Because of Negative Information

Negative information on a personal court record often limits people from getting decent jobs. It can be anything, from incarceration for a mental health problem to petty charges drummed up by someone else. If you give employers the okay to read your court records and background information, and what they see is not what they want to see, it costs you a job. Repeated often enough, you are left struggling. You will need to prove that your record is damaging you financially. Then a judge will agree to expunge the record for you.

What Your Record Says Is Libelous 

Libel is defined as "any derogatory and untrue information put into print and publicized that negatively impacts your life or your business." This includes information in your court and public records that were published incorrectly and/or with malice. You would first have to prove how the court reporters made the libelous statements maliciously, and then prove how it negatively effects you. If you can do that, the judge can grant an expungement of your records. You may also be able to sue for compensation as a direct result of any monetary losses from this situation.

Contact a law office like Goodman Katz Koonce & Maroc for more information and assistance. 


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Discussing Criminal Attorney Services

Hello, my name is Cassidy Shelby. Welcome to my website about criminal attorney support services. When my friends were involved in a serious criminal case, I remained by their side to offer my full support. Unfortunately, I was lost when it came to making the right legal choices for their situation. My friends enlisted the help of a dedicated criminal attorney to help them navigate this difficult process. I created this site to help everyone understand the services offered by these legal representatives. I invite you to visit my site each and every day to learn more about criminal attorney services. Thank you.